Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Mom Needs Help!

I took my mother to the doctor this morning. She has been having severe pain in her lower back and hips. She has multiple fractures and compressions in her back and osteoporosis. The doctore suggested she have Home Health and also Physical Therapy. They are supposed to call within the next couple of days to get set up. I am somewhat happy to think that she is going to have someone to help her with bathing. That lets me off the hook and lets me get on with housebuilding, etc... I love my mother. She is one of my very best friends! I am, however, in the middle of trying to build a house and need to be close and at hand for that. While I was at Mom's today, I did a couple of loads of laundry and heated her up some soup for supper. I also drove to the dentist's office (about 25 miles or so away) and got my teeth cleaned.

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